Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sagittarius and Aromatherapy

A quick massage blend for the Sagittarian’s muscle relief is Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary and Lavender…read all about it here: 

Sagittarius is the 9thzodiac sign and the last fire element sign falling between Nov 22-Dec 21. The Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer-Centaur, half man, half horse with a bow and arrow. This 2 part symbol in my perspective represents human in the driver’s seat with the stamina of a horse to successfully perform his/her ideas and plans.  The bow and arrow represents whether the Sagittarian has good aim or not.  With focus being not a very strong trait for a Sagittarius, aim could be an issue.

This freedom seeker and fire mutable sign, is ruled by Jupiter, a planet that represents the higher mind, expansiveness, generosity, wisdom, justice, and vision. Jupiter is also known to be the planet of luck and joy.  Sagittarians adapt to situations around them quite well.  They are masters at turning negative situations into positive with their wisdom and optimistic insight.   I know a few Sagittarians, all of which whom possess a spiritual, open mindedness that I enjoy. I dubbed them my personal philosophers who, at times, provide sound advice but also can get on their proverbial soap box and begin to preach.  

Social Sagittarians always notices the best in people.  They make great teachers, and counselors.  Naturally happy go lucky, fair-minded, and curious, a Sagittarian’s life is a journey; always traveling, exploring, and meeting new people to share stories and ideas with. The other side of the Sag is that they can be restless, hot headed, tactless, and critical.   Sagittarians are not hugely romantic as some other zodiacs. In fact, they are somewhat relationship phobic, but the Sag does enjoy the thrill of the chase with a stimulating and energizing mate.  Trust and truth are attributes a Sag embodies and looks for in others.  As a friend, when things get tough, you can count on them day or night to cheer you up with their hopefulness, funny stories and genuine spirit.  

Many astrology Aromatherapists associate the Sagittarian with Sweet Marjoram (Origanum marjorana) essential oil.  Sweet Marjoram’s aromatic personality brings about a peaceful warmth, solace and comfort which is very much like the soul of a Sag. I mention aromatic “personality” because every essential oil has its own personality, like people.  This essential oil’s scent saturates us in a calming confidence that is sincere yet direct while keeping nervous tension and anger at bay.  Origanum marjorana essential oil and this zodiac are both often linked with the Third Eye chakra of vision, wisdom, spirituality and intuition. 

Sweet Marjoram essential oil is also known for its topical analgesic properties, helpful for the physically active Sagittarius who may complain about their muscle strains and sprains. A quick massage blend for the Sagittarian’s muscle relief is Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary and Lavender; just three drops of each in a half ounce of unscented massage oil may help ease the discomfort.  In the bedroom, Marjoram makes a wonderful oil to diffuse to assist those who have trouble sleeping. Sweet Marjoram in perfumery is a middle note with a medium odor intensity with a camphoraceous , woody and warm aroma. The essential oil is steam distilled from the dried leaves and flower tops of the perennial herb.  Some books classify Sweet Marjoram as contraindicated during pregnancy so it is best to avoid if pregnant.

The citrus essential oil of Bergamot (Citrus aurantium bergamia) brings laughter to the sometimes hot headed Sagittarian, while emphasizing the Sagittarians drive and strength. Energetically, Bergamot stimulates Qi (chi), getting it flow. Bergamot’s personality is fresh, young, considerate and caring. This citrus aroma has the reputation for calming frazzled nerves while returning with good cheer, confidence and balance to any soul.  In aromatherapy, Bergamot is often used with depression, anxiety and irritability because of its gentle, supporting yet uplifting quality. This supportive citrus scent may emotionally open the heart to receive and accept love which might have been blocked off.   Bergamot is found to be phototoxic on the skin, meaning it can cause hyper-pigmentation, so it is best to avoid sun exposure after using topically.  Diffuse essential oils of Bergamot, Lemon and Neroli for a happy atmosphere when things are stressful.

Since Sagittarians are spiritual and in their own right, philosophers, Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi) is a good choice for them. Although Spikenard has a pungent, musky, heavy aroma, its depth is truly warm and profound. Inhale this divine aroma and experience Spikenard’s ability to bring on inner balance of emotional, spiritual and physical energies. Similar to its calming herb cousin Valerian, Spikenard is also acknowledged for its peaceful, grounding and harmonizing ways.   The aroma is heavy, sweet and woody encouraging forgiveness and easing fearfulness. The oil comes from steam distilling dried crushed roots and rhizomes of the plant.   Many may not know that Spikenard during ancient times was quiet expensive and was considered precious and mystical. Spikenard is also mentioned in the Bible several times.

So you see the use of these oils is nothing new nor is it a fad. Natural essential oils from plants and herbs have been around and used for thousands of years long before synthetics came along.

Fun Fact: Mark Twain was a Sagittarius.

Thanks for reading! May happiness always find you,

Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is general in nature, based on variety of research, study, personal experience, interpretation and opinion. It is not intended to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe.  Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental or physical issues. Essential oils are not to be ingested and kept out of reach of children and pets. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to do your own research to know which are safe to use if pregnant or think your pregnant,  serious illness or disease exists. It is advised to consult a medical professional.

Copyright All rights reserved 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Cancer Zodiac and Essential Oils

Aromatic Stars – Cancer Sun Sign
The Cancer zodiac Sun sign pops into play June 21 to July 22.  No surprise the Cancer symbol is “The Crab” with its defensive ways, multi-moods and unpredictability.  But it’s not all bad for the Cancer Crab for we will learn that deep down underneath the hard coated ‘shell’ of theirs, is a nurturing, sensitive, dependable and sympathetic soul.

This Cardinal Water sign, ruled by the planet Moon, has emotions shouting out in all directions.  Water element signs are naturally sensitive and personable while Cardinal signs are action oriented but often too impulsive and reactive.  The feminine mothering energy of the Moon magnifies feelings and nurturing mother quality.   Cancer’s do live in a ‘shell’ of self, often seeking sympathy from others. Looking at the world like a big eyed doe, Cancerian’s often live in their own feelings never taking notice of how self centered they are. Unlike the direct Gemini Twin who lives life with their mind and  their blunt communication, the indirect sidestepping Cancer lives through feelings, which means we are at the mercy of their moods making interaction with them, at times, exhausting. Many Cancerian’s are intuitive and are sensitive to the energies and vibrations around them which can add to the mood swings.  

For a Cancer sign, their home is very important to them. They hold a family together and care for everyone’s needs – as long as it is done their way. A Cancer’s love and commitment is loyal. But they often tend to worry about things big and small, such as food; but they will always manage to gather a nice stockpile using their penny pinching ways.

The best way for a Cancer Crab to turn their frown upside down is with the fresh, lively aroma of Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) essential oil. This wonderful oil is great for reducing stress, moodiness and tension.  It is uplifting yet calming at the same time, pushing away the negativity.  Mandarin’s scent is sweet which makes it a popular aroma with children.  The Cancer Sun sign needs to keep a bottle of Mandarin handy to ease anxiety, soothe their inner child and create a positive vibe within their soul.

Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium) essential oil is balancing and revitalizing.  The vibration is harmonious, strong, stable and confident, all of which a Cancer sign can use a little help in, wouldn’t you say?   The oil comes from steam distilling the leaves of the bitter orange tree where the leaves and fruit are small, making it ‘vulnerable’ much like a Cancer who takes things a little too emotional.  This oil has a warm, sweet, yet somewhat, woody aroma.  A support of encouraging self-belief and poise can be found within the aroma of Petitgrain.

Fun Fact: Ernest Hemingway was a Cancer.
Thanks for reading
Copyright 2019

Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is general in nature, based on variety of research, study, personal experience, interpretation and opinion. It is not intended to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe. Please visit our website for resource information. Zodiac dates are approximate as it changes year to year. Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental or physical issues. Essential oils are not to be ingested and kept out of reach of children. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to use caution if pregnancy, serious illness or disease exists. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mercury Retrograde June 2013

Order your "CHILL OUT" Mercury Retrograde natural perfume oil roll on now ...

Authentic not synthetic aromatherapy. 
Formulated by an Intuitive Medium Aromatherapist!

Rose essential oil

Essential oil of the day: Rose -  is very effective in all levels of life. Mind, body, spirit. Rose has a depth that touches the soul. It is an oil for love, passion, confidence, forgiveness and cooperation. It spiritually uplifts, and has ability to heal emotional wounds. It’s the oil for the heart chakra which is the love center; it soothes despair, anger and consoles a grieving heart. Often also associated with the sacral chakra for creativity and passion, after all Rose is classified as an gentle aphrodisiac essential oil. 

Rose is a very complex essential oil containing more than 300 compounds and even more that are still not identified. Highly adulterated and often synthetically made. Rose essential oil extremely expensive.  The hand picked petals are collected only during a certain time of the day.  According to M. Grieve who wrote ‘A modern herbal’, 1931, it takes 4000kg (8818 lbs) of these hand picked petals to yield 1kg ( 2lbs 3oz) of essential oil.

Rose essential oil blends well with sandalwood, lemon, coriander, frankincense, neroli and ginger.  My personal favorite is a simple blend of rose and sandalwood…hmmmmmmm

Thanks for reading!  Namaste! Cris, Holistic Aromatherapist and Intuitive Medium

Zen Age 2013 © - for customized essential oil perfume blends - for psychic medium readings 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Safety Tips

Safety Tips with essential oil use

  • All essential oils must be diluted before applying them directly to the skin. Mix with unscented massage oil / lotion, witch hazel, alcohol or purified water.  Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is known for being an essential oil that is mild and can be used undiluted on the skin, but my suggestion is always do a small patch test first, especially if you have sensitive skin –  to be safe not sorry.

  • Essential oils are highly concentrated, therefore less is more.

  • Citrus essential oils are photosensitive. Hyper-pigmentation may occur. Direct sunlight should be avoided for 12 hours after using these essential oils on the skin. Also avoid sun beds after topically applying. 

  • Always test a diluted essential oil on small patch of skin to determine your skins sensitivity. Dilute with unscented massage oil or lotion.

  • Pure E.O. are not water-soluble, their fat soluble- they will only mix in carrier oils not water.

  • Keep essential oils away from the eyes. Use milk to flush if exposure occurs. Water may worsen the irritation.

  • Never ever ingest essential oils.  Do not drink or add in food.

  • Keep out of reach of children. Bottles are not child resistant !!! Essential oils are highly concentrated.

  • Keep out of reach of pets and do not use with pets unless directed by a Registered Aromatherapist. Remember pets are very sensitive.

  • Use caution with chronic or serious health conditions such as cancer, heart concerns and neurological disorders. Consult a professional healthcare provider before using essential oils.

  • Do not use essential oils during pregnancy, if you think you might be pregnant or are nursing.

  • People with high blood pressure or epilepsy must avoid rosemary, thyme and oregano essential oils. Epileptics must also avoid eucalyptus. Consult a professional healthcare provider before using essential oils and do your research!!!

  • If you are applying topically to the skin, you may choose to take a periodic break, 5 days on / 2 days off or 3 weeks on / 1 week off.

  • Do your research. These safety tips are not or may not be ALL the safety tips for the use of essential oils. Do your research before using any new product natural or chemical filled! After all only you are responsible for what you put on your skin.


Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be complete, or to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe. Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental or physical issues. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to use caution if pregnancy, serious illness or disease exists.

Zen Age / Copyright /2012

Ravensara essential oil for colds and flu

My essential oil pick of the day...Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica), from the leaves and twigs of the Ravensara tree . This is one of my favorite essential oils.

High in 1,8-cineole just like eucalyptus and cajeput, makes for a great essential oil for colds and flu.  It is known for its antiviral, antiseptic, antimicrobial and expectorant actions. I love Ravensara for opening up my lungs when I feel like I cannot get a deep breath.  I mix ravensara rosemary, lemon, cypress and pine essential oils in my cotton pad inhaler. 

Ravensara is good to use with those who are grieving as it opens up the lungs where we have the tendency to hold our grief. In turn it helps us with courage to move forward.  Its also a great oil to diffuse in the home when sniffles are invading our loved ones.  I have even added to a foot bath mixed with epsom salts when a cold is coming on. 

Information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, counsel or prescribe. Consult a medical professional for serious illness.  ~ Zen Age/Copyright/2012
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Taurus Zodiac and Essential Oils

Taurus Sun sign makes its way into the astrological chart as the 2nd zodiac sign, falling approximately between April 21 and May 20.  The Taurus symbol is the slow moving yet willful and powerful Bull.

By far, Taurus is the most stubborn zodiac sign.  Taureans need time to digest new ideas or ways of doing things,  so don’t try to force anything on them, they won’t budge.  They move slow and steady with precise determination to get to their goal - to them the best is worth waiting for. Unfortunately they can be self indulgent, at times insensitive and can get easily bored. But have no doubt they will get to where they are headed, which is usually some place fantastic.

Having an appreciation for the finer things in life, does make this zodiac a bit materialistic, never denying their love of luxury and beauty. But this sentimental Bull also appreciates value in a non materialistic also. Since Taurus is about values when your Sun is in Taurus your life will engage you in lessons to get hold of your real sense of value, the real you, not the money-oriented you.  Taurus has the need to be able to look at themselves with respect and value what they see inside.

Knowing a Taurus means knowing their sensual, romantic, dependable and loving side, thanks to their ruling planet Venus.  Venus is about love and beauty and Taureans worship both.   As strong willed as they may be, their softer side makes up for it, for they may just surprise you out of the blue with a little love and tenderness, especially after their bull headed side makes an appearance.  Should a Taurus get angry, well, just let them simmer down before you approach them again, you’ll be glad you did.  It’s no surprise that Taurus is also associated with the heart chakra.

As the first of the 3 earth signs, Taurus is certainly the earthiest- practical and grounded. They are also a fixed sign which is a sign of “will”- consistent, organized and motivated by values.  If you are looking for steady growth in relationship, security and status, find yourself a Taurus, you will not be disappointed in the end, you just will require patience on the ride there.

Rose (Rosa damascena) essential oil is associated with Venus and the heart chakra so this oil is fitting for the Taurus.  The aromatic bliss of Rosa damascena will allow more of Taurus’ love, patience, sensuality and gentleness to show. Combine these feelings with rose’s aphrodisiac nature, this oil is just the thing for the Taurean to boost the va-va-voom romance. 

Lemon (Citrus limon) essential oil is obtained from the lemon peel by cold expression, has a light aroma that embodies an uplifting vibe.  This high vibration essential oil encourages clarity, decisions and direction therefore, helping Taurus Bull to move along at a faster pace. It’s also the breath of fresh air the Taurus needs when they need to snap out of a deep thought.

Fun fact: Sigmund Freud was a Taurus.

Thanks for reading. May happiness always find you,

Copyright / All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is general in nature, based on variety of research, study, personal experience, interpretation and opinion. It is not intended to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe. Zodiac dates are approximate as it changes year to year. Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental or physical issues. Essential oils are not to be ingested and kept out of reach of children. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to use caution if pregnancy, serious illness or disease exists. 
Copyright / 2019